On the 22 of April 2021, Thais Sasso Lopes held a very successful Trivia night to celebrate Earth Day and Frog day at Brisbane. The night featured questions on Aussie animals, frogs, wildlife across the globe, and popular knowledge on animals. Thais was the MC of the night and kept eight teams laughing while she shared her love for frogs. The night included frog calls, movie scenes, a video about her PhD, and, of course, frog jokes.

All proceeds from the trivia night are going to the K´ayra center in Bolivia to help endangered water frogs. Water frogs, like the Titicaca giant frog (Telmatobius culeus) and Sehuencas water frog (Telmatobius yuracare), are threatened by pollution from agriculture and mining, as well as by its use in traditional medicine. Thanks to K'ayra centre and Teresa Camacho, research, breeding projects and citizen communication are being performed in Bolivia to assist water frog species.

At the same night, Thais organized an art exhibition with frog paintings from all over the world. Paintings with fun facts about frogs will be displayed for a month at The Burrow café. Part of the money from the art sale will also be donated to K'ayra center. We would like to thank all friends who painted frogs for this event.
We'd like to give a huge shout out to Griffith University (GUPSA) who donated $100, The Burrow for the $50 voucher, and AVID bookstore for the $50 donation, all used as a prize for the winner team. The winners also took home stickers of frogs bought to support the FrogForCause that benefit conservation causes.
The trivia night raised over $600 in ticket sales. We would like to thank all friends and supporters who turned up and made the night so special!

The event was so successful that the café will start running other Trivia nights for charity with more PhD students!

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