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PhD students present at EFRI HDR Symposium

Updated: May 3, 2023

On Friday 6th of November, Madelyn Mangan and Thais Sasso Lopes presented at the Environmental Futures Research Institute 2020 symposium for Higher Degree by Research Candidates.

Madelyn was awarded third prize for her presentation in the 'early candidature' category. Thais was awarded second prize for her presentation in the 'approaching graduation' category. Congratulations!

Thais gave a, entertaining 15-min presentation showing the results of her systematic literature review on the factors influencing Bd occurrence.

Madelyn gave a really engaging 5-min presentation outlining her PhD project plans to investigate the genetic of Mixophyes fleayi and the associated dynamics of Bd.

To agree with COVID-19 safety restrictions, the symposium this year was split between the two campus of Griffith University, with students live streaming their talks.


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