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Stephen Molan


Bachelor of Music Technology (Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University)

Bachelor of Environmental Science (Conservation and Ecology) (Griffith University)



Environmental Science Honours student (Griffith University)


Contact details

School of Environment and Science,

Griffith University, Gold Coast campus,

1 Parklands Dr, Southport, QLD, Australia, 4215

Email: stephen.molan"at"




I am an aspiring environmental scientist currently undertaking an honours project supervised by Dr. Laura Grogan and Dr. Clare Morrison, and co-supervised by Dr. Chantal Lanctôt and Prof. Hamish McCallum.

I found my appreciation of research in my final year of my undergraduate degree, where I undertook a remote research project using African wildlife webcams to study community ecology with Dr. Guy Castley and some of my cohort. Because of COVID, many research projects had to be re-imaged so that they could be undertaken remotely; this gave me invaluable experience in flexibility in a field where much is able to change on short notice. I have been wanting to join the frog research team since early 2020, as I am passionate about conservation, and want to do my part to help preserve the biodiversity of Australian rainforests for future generations.

Research Overview


My project aim is to use acoustic recording equipment (AudioMoths) to see if there is a link between frog call frequency and environmental contaminants and overall habitat quality. I will be conducting habitat surveys, as well as water quality and sediment analyses at each of the sites to measure environmental contaminant presence. This project will marry both of my previous fields of research by combining aspects of bioacoustics and field ecology. Through this project, I hope to understand how vulnerable species such as the Fleay’s barred frog (Mixophyes fleayi) react to changes in the health of their ecosystem, so that we can protect our country into the future.


Career Goals


Through this project I hope to get some experience in field work, lab work, bioacoustics, report writing and statistical analysis. After this project, I hope to get some experience with land management, particularly in outback Queensland, such as the channel country where my mums family comes from. I also hope to one day complete a PhD in ecology, however I plan to think more seriously about this after my current project is completed!


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