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Lisa Beneker


Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology & Policy; Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science, the Netherlands)


Current position

Bachelor of Science (Griffith University), major: Wildlife (currently undertaking research project for Science Capstone)


Contact details


School of Environment and Science,

Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus,

Parklands Drive, Southport, Queensland, 4222

Email: l.beneker"at"




I am currently studying in my last year of Bachelor of Science completing my Capstone project for the next two trimesters at the frog lab. Before I came to Griffith I studied marine biology and contributed to the Shark and Ray project in the Netherlands. I studied the socioeconomic importance of the starry smooth hound, developed a best practice handling guide, and contributed to mapping the shark and ray populations in the North Sea from data collected from 1914 to 2014.


My Capstone project will be focused on modelling the growth rate of tadpoles of the endangered Fleay's barred frog (Mixophyes fleayi). This project really spoke to me as I have worked with endangered Garlic toads in the Netherlands collecting data and raising them for release.


Career Goals


After finishing my degree I hope to continue studying Medicine, and doing research in toxicology and beneficial use.


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