Liam Bolitho
PhD Candidate
Contact details
Forest Research Centre
Southern Cross University, Lismore Campus
Military Rd, East Lismore, New South Wales, Australia, 2480
Email: l.bolitho.11"at"
Research Overview and current projects
I am a PhD candidate supervised by Dr. David Newell at the Southern Cross University in Australia. My PhD aims to resolve data deficiency in the endangered Mountain Frog (Philoria kundagungan) endemic to the cool temperate rainforests of eastern Australia through the use of climate change and occupancy modelling, bioacoustics, disease screening and genetic diversity analysis.
During the past decade I have worked on numerous and varied conservation projects around the world, from reef restoration projects in the Thailand gulf, population monitoring of the world’s only alpine parrot (Kea) in the New Zealand Alps to disease screening of frogs in the Australian subtropics. I have served as a field technician on the Kakapo recovery program for the last two breeding seasons and every summer I find time to assist the Department of Conservation in New Zealand with a range conservation projects involving endangered birds.
Research Keywords
Career Goal