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Hamish McCallum


BSc (Hons I) (Monash) PhD DIC (Imperial College, London)



Professor, Griffith School of Environment

Head of Griffith Wildlife Disease Ecology Group

(former Head of Griffith School of Environment, 2009-2014)


Contact details


Environmental Futures Research Institute,

Building N78, Room 2.11, School of Environment,

Griffith University, Nathan campus,

170 Kessels Road, Nathan,

Queensland, Australia, 4111

Phone (work): +61 7 3735 7719

Email: h.mccallum"at"​



I am a quantitative ecologist, especially as applied to disease ecology and conservation biology. I use fairly simple differential equations as my modelling tool of choice and am particularly interested in the issues involved in linking models to data: the processes of parameter estimation, model fitting and model testing. Although I am a modeller, I try to spend time in the field – it is impossible to model anything without actually experiencing the system firsthand (Well, that's my excuse for getting to as many interesting places as I can).

I have worked on a range of taxa, including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and echinoderms and in habitats ranging from coral reefs to temperate forests and deserts. I'm interested in supervising a range of projects in conservation biology and disease ecology, ideally ones linking quantitative approaches and theory to the situations and problems.


Brief academic history

2009-present: Professor, Griffith School of Environment (Head of School, 2009 to 2014)

2006-2009: Professor of Wildlife Research, University of Tasmania and Chief Scientist of the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program.

1985-2006: Lecturer- Senior Lecturer- Associate Professor in the (now) School of Biological Sciences, the University of Queensland.

1983-84: Postdoc, CSIRO Fisheries (1983  at UBC)


Research Keywords


Parasite, pathogen, disease, modelling, conservation biology.


Research Areas and Projects


  • Ecology of infectious diseases - Current projects on Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease (ARC, NSF) Hendra viruses in bats and amphibian chytrid fungus, parasites and reintroductions (ARC Linkage), emerging diseases and landscape change (SESYNC)

  • Conservation Biology - Current project on apex predators and biodiversity

  • Quantitative ecology


Current supervised PhD students


  • Eloise Stephenson (Principal Supervisor)

  • Tamika Lunn (Co-Principal Supervisor)

  • Thais Sasso Lopes (Co-Principal Supervisor)





  • McCallum, H. 2000 Population parameters: estimation for ecological models. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 384pp


Scholarly book chapters

  • McCallum, H. (2013). When infectious disease can threaten to cause extinction: Tasmanian Devil facial tumour disease. Pages 31-42 in M. Chame and N. Labarthe, editors. Saúde silvestre e humana: experiências e perspectivas. FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janiero.

  • Jones M., Hamede R. & McCallum H. (2012). The Devil is in the detail: conservation biology, animal philosophies and the role of animal ethics committees. In: Science Under Seige: Zoology under threat (eds. Banks P, Lunney D & Dickman C). Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales Mosman, NSW, pp. 79-88.

  • McCallum H. & Jones M. (2012). Infectious cancers in wildlife. In: New Directions in Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health (eds. Aguirre AA, Ostfeld R & Daszak P). Oxford University Press New York, pp. 270-283.

  • McCallum H. (2009). Law, ethics and wildlife disease: an Australian perspective. In: Towards a nexus of law and biology (ed. Hocking BA). Ashgate Aldershot, UK, pp. 85-94.

  • McCallum H. (2008). Landscape structure, disturbance and disease dynamics. In: Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects of ecosystems on disease and of disease on ecosystems (eds. Ostfeld RS, Keesing F & Eviner V). Princeton University Press Princeton, pp. 100-124.

  • McCallum, H. and B. A. Hocking. (2006). Reflecting on ethical and legal issues in wildlife disease. Pages 83-94 in M. J. Selgelid, M. P. Battin, and C. B. Smith, editors. Ethics and infectious disease. Blackwell, Oxford.

  • McCallum, H. and A. Dobson. (2006). Disease and connectivity. Pages 479-501 in K. R. Crooks and M. A. Sanjayan, editors. Connectivity Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

  • Hocking, B. A., and H. McCallum. (2004) Expect the unexpected: DNA, guilt and innocence. Pages 97-114 in R. Hil and G. Tait, editors. Hard Lessons: reflections on governance and crime control in late modernity. Ashgate, Aldershot.

  • Cleaveland, S., Hess, G. R., Dobson, A. P., Laurenson, M. K., McCallum, H. I., Roberts, M. G. & Woodroffe, R. (2002) The role of pathogens in biological conservation. In The ecology of wildlife diseases (ed. P. J. Hudson, A. Rizzoli, B. Grenfell & H. Heesterbeck), pp. 139-150. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Smyth, A. K., Lamb, D., Hall, L., McCallum, H., Moloney, D. & Smith, G. (2000) Towards scientifically valid management tools for sustainable forest management: species guilds versus model systems. In Management for sustainable ecosystems (ed. P. Hale, A. Petrie, D. Moloney & P. Sattler), pp. 118-124. Brisbane: Centre for Conservation Biology, The University of Queensland.

  • Dobson, A. P. & McCallum, H. I. (1997) The role of parasites in bird conservation. In host parasite Evolution: general principles and avian models (ed. D. H. Clayton & J. Moore), pp. 155-173. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • McCallum, H. I. (1995) Would property rights over kangaroos necessarily lead to their conservation? Implications of fisheries models. In Conservation through sustainable use of wildlife (ed. G. C. Grigg, P. T. Hale & D. Lunney). Brisbane: Centre for Conservation Biology, The University of Queensland.

  • McCallum, H. I. (1995) Modelling translocation strategies for the Bridled Nailtail Wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata Gould, 1840): effects of reintroduction size. In Reintroduction Biology (ed. M. Serena), pp. 7-14. Chipping Norton: Surrey Beatty.

  • McCallum, H. I. & Scott, M. E. (1994) Quantifying population processes: experimental and theoretical approaches. In Parasitic and Infectious Diseases: Epidemiology and Ecology (ed. M. E. Scott & G. Smith), pp. 29-45. San Diego: Academic Press.


Refereed journal articles


  • Grogan L. F., Humphries J. E., Robert J., Lanctôt C. M., Nock C. J., Newell D. A., McCallum H. I. (2020) Immunological Aspects of Chytridiomycosis. Journal of Fungi. 2020; 6(4):234 (link) (IF 4.621). 

  • Brannelly L. A., McCallum H. I., Grogan L. F., Briggs C. J., Ribas M. P., Hollanders M., Sasso T., Familiar López M., Newell D. A. & Kilpatrick A. M. (early view) Mechanisms underlying host persistence following amphibian disease emergence determine appropriate management strategies. Ecology Letters (link) (IF 8.699). 


  • Grogan, L. F., Robert, J., Berger, L., Skerratt, L. F., Scheele, B. C., Castley, J. G., Newell, D. A., McCallum, H. I. (2018) Review of the amphibian immune response to chytridiomycosis, and future directions. Frontiers in Immunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02536

  • Margres, M. J., M. E. Jones, B. Epstein, D. H. Kerlin, S. Comte, S. Fox, A. K. Fraik, S. A. Hendricks, S. Huxtable, S. Lachish, B. Lazenby, S. M. O'Rourke, A. R. Stahlke, C. G. Wiench, R. Hamede, B. Schönfeld, H. McCallum, M. R. Miller, P. A. Hohenlohe, and A. Storfer. 2018. Large-effect loci affect survival in Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) infected with a transmissible cancer. Molecular Ecology doi:10.1111/mec.14853

  • Faust, C. L., H. I. McCallum, L. S. P. Bloomfield, N. L. Gottdenker, T. R. Gillespie, C. J. Torney, A. P. Dobson, and R. K. Plowright. 2018. Pathogen spillover during land conversion. Ecology Letters 21:471-483.

  • Grogan, L. F., A. J. Peel, D. Kerlin, W. Ellis, D. Jones, J.-M. Hero, and H. McCallum. 2018. Is disease a major causal factor in declines? An Evidence Framework and case study on koala chlamydiosis. Biological Conservation 221:334-344.

  • Lavery, T. H., A. R. Pople, and H. I. McCallum. 2018. Going the distance on kangaroos and water: A review and test of artificial water point closures in Australia. Journal of Arid Environments 151:31-40.

  • McCallum, H., D. H. Kerlin, W. Ellis, and F. Carrick. 2018. Assessing the significance of endemic disease in conservation-koalas, chlamydia, and koala retrovirus as a case study. Conservation Letters 11:e12425-n/a.

  • Stephenson, E. B., A. J. Peel, S. A. Reid, C. C. Jansen, and H. McCallum. 2018. The non-human reservoirs of Ross River virus: a systematic review of the evidence. Parasites & Vectors 11:188.

  • Storfer, A., P. A. Hohenlohe, M. J. Margres, A. Patton, A. K. Fraik, M. Lawrance, L. E. Ricci, A. R. Stahlke, H. I. McCallum, and M. E. Jones. 2018. The devil is in the details: Genomics of transmissible cancers in Tasmanian devils. PLoS Pathogens 14:e1007098.

  • Wells, K., D. I. Gibson, N. J. Clark, A. Ribas, S. Morand, and H. I. McCallum. 2018. Global spread of helminth parasites at the human–domestic animal–wildlife interface. Global Change Biology 24:3254-3265.


  • Faust, C. L., McCallum, H., Bloomfield, L. S.P., Gottdenker, N. L., Gillespie, T. R., Torney, C. J., Dobson, A. P., Plowright, R. K. . 2017. Pathogen spillover during land conversion. Ecology Letters. (accepted Dec 4, 2017)

  • Lavery, T. H., A. R. Pople, and H. I. McCallum. 2017. Going the distance on kangaroos and water: A review and test of artificial water point closures in Australia. Journal of Arid Environments. (in press)

  • Jeong, J., C. S. Smith, A. J. Peel, R. K. Plowright, D. H. Kerlin, J. McBroom, and H. McCallum. 2017. Persistent infections support maintenance of a coronavirus in a population of Australian bats (Myotis macropus). Epidemiol Infect 145:2053-2061 (link).

  • McCallum, H., D. H. Kerlin, W. Ellis, and F. Carrick. 2017. Assessing the significance of endemic disease in conservation—koalas, chlamydia, and koala retrovirus as a case study. Conservation Letters:e12425-n/a (link).

  • Paez, D. J., J. Giles, H. McCallum, H. Field, D. Jordan, A. J. Peel, and R. K. Plowright. 2017. Conditions affecting the timing and magnitude of Hendra virus shedding across pteropodid bat populations in Australia. Epidemiol Infect:1-11 (link).

  • Wells, K., R. K. Hamede, D. H. Kerlin, A. Storfer, P. A. Hohenlohe, M. E. Jones, and H. I. McCallum. 2017. Infection of the fittest: devil facial tumour disease has greatest effect on individuals with highest reproductive output. Ecol Lett 20:770-778 (link).

  • Preece, N. D., Abell, S. E., Grogan, L., Wayne, A., Skerratt, L. F., van Oosterzee, P., Shima, A. L., Daszak, P., Field, H., Reiss, A., Berger, L., Rymer, T. L., Fisher, D. O., Lawes, M. J., Laurance, S. G., McCallum, H., Esson, C., Epstein, J. H. (2017) A guide for ecologists: Detecting the role of disease in faunal declines and managing population recovery. Biological Conservation 214:136-146 (link).

  • Grogan, L. F., Jones, D., Hero, J.-M., Ellis, W., Kerlin, D., McCallum, H. (2017) Current trends and future directions in koala chlamydial disease research. Biological Conservation 215:179-188 (link).

  • McCallum H, Fenton A, Hudson PJ, Lee B, Levick B, Norman R, Perkins SE, Viney M, Wilson AJ, Lello J. 2017. Breaking beta: deconstructing the parasite transmission function. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372:20160084. (link)

  • Wilson AJ, Morgan ER, Booth M, Norman R, Perkins SE, Hauffe HC, Mideo N, Antonovics J, McCallum H, Fenton A. 2017. What is a vector? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372: 20160085. (link)

  • Faust CL, Dobson AP, Gottdenker N, Bloomfield LSP, McCallum HI, Gillespie TR, Diuk-Wasser M, Plowright RK. 2017. Null expectations for disease dynamics in shrinking habitat: dilution or amplification? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372: 20160173. (link)

  • Plowright, R. K., Parrish C, McCallum H, J. Hudson P, I. Ko A, L. Graham A, O. Lloyd-Smith J. 2017. Pathways to zoonotic spillover. Nature Reviews Microbiology 15:502-510 (link)

  • Grant, E. H. C., E. Muths, R. A. Katz, S. Canessa, M. J. Adams, J. R. Ballard, L. Berger, C. J. Briggs, J. T. H. Coleman, M. J. Gray, M. C. Harris, R. N. Harris, B. Hossack, K. P. Huyvaert, J. Kolby, K. R. Lips, R. E. Lovich, H. I. McCallum, J. R. Mendelson, P. Nanjappa, D. H. Olson, J. G. Powers, K. L. D. Richgels, R. E. Russell, B. R. Schmidt, A. Spitzen-van der Sluijs, M. K. Watry, D. C. Woodhams, and C. L. White. 2017. Using decision analysis to support proactive management of emerging infectious wildlife diseases. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15:214-221 (link)

  • Taylor, A., H. I. McCallum, G. Watson, and G. C. Grigg. 2017. Impact of cane toads on a community of Australian native frogs, determined by 10 years of automated identification and logging of calling behaviour. Journal of Applied Ecology: doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12859 (link)


  • Wilber, M.Q., Langwig, K.E., Kilpatrick, A.M., McCallum, H.I. & Briggs, C.J. (2016) Integral Projection Models for host-parasite systems with an application to amphibian chytrid fungus. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12561

  • Epstein, B., Jones, M., Hamede, R., Hendricks, S., McCallum, H., Murchison, E. P., Schonfeld, B., Wiench, C., Hohenlohe, P., and Storfer, A. (2016) Rapid evolutionary response to a transmissible cancer in Tasmanian devils. Nature Communications. 7:12684 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12684 (link).

  • Giles, J. R., R. K. Plowright, P. Eby, A. J. Peel, and H. McCallum. (2016). Models of Eucalypt phenology predict bat population flux. Ecology and evolution. doi:10.1002/ece3.2382 (link)

  • Plowright, R. K., A. J. Peel, D. G. Streicker, A. Gilbert, H. McCallum, J. L. N. Wood, M. L. Baker, and O. Restif. 2016. Transmission or within-host dynamics driving pulses of zoonotic viruses in reservoir-host populations. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10: e0004796. (link)



  • Voyles, J., Kilpatrick, A.M., Collins, J.P., Fisher, M.C., Frick, W.F., McCallum, H., Willis, C.K., Blehert, D.S., Murray, K.A., Puschendorf, R., Rosenblum, E.B., Bolker, B.M., Cheng, T.L., Langwig, K.E., Lindner, D.L., Toothman, M., Wilber, M.Q. & Briggs, C.J. (2014) Moving beyond too little, too late: managing emerging infectious diseases in wild populations requires international policy and partnerships. EcoHealth. (DOI: 10.1007/s10393-014-0980-5).

  • Sharp, A. & McCallum, H. (2014) Bottom-up processes in a declining yellow-footed rock-wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus celeris) population. Austral Ecology, (DOI 10.1111/aec.12185).

  • Narayan, E.J., Graham, C., McCallum, H. & Hero, J.-M. (2014) Over-wintering tadpoles of Mixophyes fasciolatus act as reservoir host for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. PLoS ONE, 9, e92499.

  • Hollings, T., Jones, M., Mooney, N. & McCallum, H. (2014) Trophic cascades following the disease-induced decline of an apex predator, the Tasmanian devil. Conserv Biol, 28, 63-75.

  •  Eslami-Andergoli, L., Dale, P.E.R., Knight, J.M. & McCallum, H. (2014) Approaching tipping points: a focussed review of indicators and relevance to managing intertidal ecosystems. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 1-12.

  • Fisher, D.O., Johnson, C.N., Lawes, M.J., Fritz, S.A., McCallum, H., Blomberg, S.P., VanDerWal, J., Abbott, B., Frank, A., Legge, S., Letnic, M., Thomas, C.R., Fisher, A., Gordon, I.J. & Kutt, A. (2014). The current decline of tropical marsupials in Australia: is history repeating? Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 181-190.


  • Graham C.M., Narayan E.J., McCallum H. & Hero J.-M. (2013). Non-invasive monitoring of glucocorticoid physiology within highland and lowland populations of native Australian Great Barred Frog (Mixophyes fasciolatus). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 191, 24-30.

  • Bradshaw C.J.A., Bowman D.M.J.S., Bond N.R., Murphy B.P., Moore A.D., Fordham D.A., Thackway R., Lawes M.J., McCallum H., Gregory S.D., Dalal R.C., Boer M.M., Lynch A.J.J., Bradstock R.A., Brook B.W., Henry B.K., Hunt L.P., Fisher D.O., Hunter D., Johnson C.N., Keith D.A., Lefroy E.C., Penman T.D., Meyer W.S., Thomson J.R., Thornton C.M., VanDerWal J., Williams R.J., Keniger L. & Specht A. (2013). Brave new green world – Consequences of a carbon economy for the conservation of Australian biodiversity. Biol. Conserv., 161, 71-90.

  • Hamede R.K., McCallum H. & Jones M. (2013). Biting injuries and transmission of Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease. J. Anim. Ecol., 82, 182-190.

  • Hollings T., Jones M., Mooney N. & McCallum H. (2013). Wildlife disease ecology in changing landscapes: Mesopredator release and toxoplasmosis. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 2, 110-118.

  • McMahon C., Wiggins N., French V., McCallum H. & Bowman D. (2013). A report of capture myopathy in the Tasmanian pademelon (Thylogale billardierii). Animal Welfare, 22, 1-4.

  • Murray K.A., Skerratt L.F., Garland S., Kriticos D. & McCallum H. (2013). Whether the Weather Drives Patterns of Endemic Amphibian Chytridiomycosis: A Pathogen Proliferation Approach. PLoS ONE, 8, e61061.


  • Hamede R., Bashford J., Jones M. & McCallum H. (2012). Simulating devil facial tumour disease outbreaks across empirically derived contact networks. J. Appl. Ecol., 49, 447-456.

  • Hamede R., Lachish S., Belov K., Woods G., Kreiss A., Pearse A.-M., Lazenby B., Jones M. & McCallum H. (2012). Reduced effect of Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease at the disease front. Cons. Biol., 26, 124-134.

  • McCallum H. (2012). Disease and the dynamics of extinction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367, 2828-2839.

  • Pearse A.-M., Swift K., Hodson P., Hua B., McCallum H., Pyecroft S., Taylor R., Eldridge M.D.B. & Belov K. (2012). Evolution in a transmissible cancer: a study of the chromosomal changes in devil facial tumor (DFT) as it spreads through the wild Tasmanian devil population. Cancer Genetics, 205, 101-12.


  • Aziz M.N.B.A., Skerrat L.F. & McCallum H. (2011). Dynamics of Chytridiomycosis in a Tasmanian frog community. Herpetological Review, 42, 53-57.

  • Beeton N. & McCallum H. (2011). Models predict that culling is not a feasible strategy to prevent extinction of Tasmanian devils from facial tumour disease. J. Appl. Ecol., 48, 1315-1323.

  • Knape J., Jonzén N., Sköld M., Kikkawa J. & McCallum H. (2011). Individual heterogeneity and senescence in Silvereyes on Heron Island. Ecology, 92, 813-820.

  • Laurance W.F., Dell B., Turton S.M., Lawes M.J., Hutley L.B., McCallum H., Dale P., Bird M., Hardy G., Prideaux G., Gawne B., McMahon C.R., Yu R., Hero J.-M., Schwarzkopf L., Krockenberger A., Douglas M., Silvester E., Mahony M., Vella K., Saikia U., Wahren C.-H., Xu Z., Smith B. & Cocklin C. (2011). The ten Australian ecosystems most vulnerable to tipping points. Biological Conservation 144, 1472-1480.

  • McMahon C.R., Buscot M.-J., Wiggins N.L., Collier N., Maindonald J.H., McCallum H.I. & Bowman D.M.J.S. (2011). A Two-Phase Model for Smoothly Joining Disparate Growth Phases in the Macropodid Thylogale billardierii. PLoS ONE, 6, e24934.

  • Murray K.A., Retallick R.W.R., Puschendorf R., Skerratt L.F., Rosauer D., McCallum H.I., Berger L., Speare R. & VanDerWal J. (2011). Assessing spatial patterns of disease risk to biodiversity: implications for the management of the amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. J. Appl. Ecol., 48, 163-173.

  • Murray K.A., Retallick R.W.R., Puschendorf R., Skerratt L.F., Rosauer D., McCallum H.I., Berger L., Speare R. & VanDerWal J. (2011). Issues with modelling the current and future distribution of invasive pathogens. J. Appl. Ecol., 48, 177-180.

  • Murray K.A., Rosauer D., McCallum H. & Skerratt L.F. (2011). Integrating species traits with extrinsic threats: closing the gap between predicting and preventing species declines. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278, 1515-1523.

  • Shoo L.P., Olson D.H., McMenamin S.K., Murray K.A., Van Sluys M., Donnelly M.A., Stratford D., Terhivuo J., Merino-Viteri A., Herbert S.M., Bishop P.J., Corn P.S., Dovey L., Griffiths R.A., Lowe K., Mahony M., McCallum H., Shuker J.D., Simpkins C., Skerratt L.F., Williams S.E. & Hero J.-M. (2011). Engineering a future for amphibians under climate change. J. Appl. Ecol., 48, 487-492.


  • Grutter A.S., Cribb T.H., McCallum H., Pickering J.L. & McCormick M.I. (2010). Effects of parasites on larval and juvenile stages of the coral reef fish Pomacentrus moluccensis. Coral Reefs, 29, 31-40.

  • Lachish S., McCallum H., Mann D., Pukk C. & Jones M. (2010). Evaluation of selective culling of infected individuals to control Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease. Cons. Biol., 24, 841-851.

  • McCallum H. & Jones M. (2010). Sins of omission and sins of commission: St Thomas Aquinas and the devil. Aust. Zoo., 35, 307-314.

  • Murray K.A., Skerratt L.F., Speare R. & McCallum H. (2010). Evidence of effects of endemic chytridiomycosis on host survival, behavior, and emigration: reply to Schmidt. Cons. Biol., 24, 900-902.

  • Shanmuganathan T., Pallister J., Doody S., McCallum H., Robinson T., Sheppard A., Hardy C., Halliday D., Venables D., Voysey R., Strive T., Hinds L. & Hyatt A. (2010). Biological control of the cane toad in Australia: a review. Anim. Conserv., 13 Suppl. 1, 16-23.

  • Sharp A. & McCallum H. (2010). The decline of a large yellow-footed rock-wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus) colony following a pulse of resource abundance. Aust. Mamm., 32, 99-107.

  • Stratford D.S., Grigg G.C., McCallum H.I. & Hines H.B. (2010). Breeding ecology and phenology of two stream breeding myobatrachid frogs (Mixophyes fleayi and M. fasciolatus) in south-east Queensland. Aust. Zoo., 35, 189-197.

  • Wiggins N.L., Williamson G.J., McCallum H.I., McMahon C.R. & Bowman D.M.J.S. (2010). Shifts in macropod home ranges in response to wildlife management interventions. Wildl. Res., 37, 379-391.


  • Fukuda Y., McCallum H.I., Grigg G.C. & Pople A.R. (2009). Fencing artificial waterpoints failed to influence density and distribution of red kangaroos (Macropus rufus). Wildl. Res., 36, 457-466.

  • Hamede R.K., Bashford J., McCallum H. & Jones M. (2009). Contact networks in a wild Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) population: using Social Network Analysis to reveal seasonal variability in social behaviour and its implications for transmission of devil facial tumour disease. Ecol. Lett., 12, 1147-1157.

  • Lachish S., McCallum H. & Jones M. (2009). Demography, disease and the devil: life-history changes in a disease-affected population of Tasmanian devils Sarcophilus harrisii. J. Anim. Ecol., 78, 427-436.

  • Lourival R., McCallum H., Grigg G., Arcangelo C., Machado R. & Possingham H. (2009). A systematic evaluation of the conservation plans for the Pantanal wetland in Brazil. Wetlands, 29, 1189-1201.

  • McCallum H., Jones M., Hawkins C., Hamede R., Lachish S., Sinn D.L., Beeton N. & Lazenby B. (2009). Transmission dynamics of Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease may lead to disease-induced extinction. Ecology, 90, 3379-3392.

  • Murray K.A., Skerratt L.F., Speare R. & McCallum H. (2009). The impact and dynamics of disease in species threatened by the amphibian chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Cons. Biol., 23, 1242-1252.


  • Brien M.L., Read M.A., McCallum H.I. & Grigg G.C. (2008). Home range and movements of radio-tracked estuarine crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) within a non tidal waterhole. Wildl. Res., 35, 140-149.

  • Grutter A.S., Pickering J.L., McCallum H.I. & McCormick M.I. (2008). Impact of micropredatory gnathiid isopods on young coral reef fishes. Coral Reefs, 27, 655-661.

  • Hamede R., Jones M.E. & McCallum H. (2008). Seasonal, demographic and density-related patterns of contact between Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii): Implications for transmission of Devil Facial Tumour Disease. Austral Ecology, 33, 614-622.

  • Jones M.E., Cockburn A., Hamede R., Hawkins C., Hesterman H., Lachish S., Mann D., McCallum H. & Pemberton D. (2008). Life history change in disease-ravaged Tasmanian devil populations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105, 10023-10027.

  • McCallum H. (2008). Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease: lessons for conservation biology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 23, 631-637.

  • Rohr J.R., Raffel T.R., Romansic J.M., McCallum H. & Hudson P.J. (2008). Evaluating the links between climate, disease spread, and amphibian declines. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105, 17436-17441.


  • Hoskin, C.J. & McCallum, H. (2007). Phylogeography of the parasitic fly Batrachomyia in the Wet Tropics of north-east Australia, and susceptibility of host frog lineages in a mosaic contact zone. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 92, 593-603.

  • Jones, M., Jarman, P., Lees, C., Hesterman, H., Hamede, R., Mooney, N., Mann, D., Pukk, C., Bergfeld, J. & McCallum, H. (2007). Conservation management of Tasmanian devils in the context of an emerging, extinction-threatening disease: Devil Facial Tumor Disease. EcoHealth, 4, 326-337.

  • McCallum, H., Tompkins, D.M., Jones, M., Lachish, S., Lazenby, B., Hocking, G., Wiersma, J. & Hawkins, C. (2007). Distribution and impacts of Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease. EcoHealth, 4, 318-325.

  • Lachish, S., Jones, M.E. & McCallum, H.I. (2007) The impact of devil facial tumour disease on the survival and population growth rate of the Tasmanian devil. Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 926-936.

  • Wormington, K.R., Lamb, D., McCallum, H.I. & Moloney, D.J. (2007). Leaf Nutrient Concentrations and Timber Productivity in the Dry Sclerophyll Forests of South-East Queensland, Australia: Implications for Arboreal Marsupials. Forest Science, 53, 627.


  • Hocking, B.A. & McCallum, H. (2006). An Australian case study on biosecurity: Some legal, constitutional, ethical and policy reflections (Biosécurité: Un cas d'étude Australien, quelques aspects juridiques, constitutionnels, éthiques et politiques). Journal International de Bioethique, 17, 115-130.

  • McCallum, H. & Jones, M. (2006). To lose both would look like carelessness: Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Disease. PLoS Biology, 4, 1671-1674.

  • Tucker, A.D., Limpus, C.J., McDonald, K.R. & McCallum, H.I. (2006). Growth dynamics of freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) in the Lynd River, Queensland. Australian Journal of Zoology, 54, 409-415.


  • Gerber, L., McCallum, H., Lafferty, K., Sabo, J. & Dobson, A. (2005). Exposing extinction risk analysis to pathogens: Is disease just another form of density dependence? Ecological Applications, 15, 1402-1414.

  • McCallum, H. (2005). Inconclusiveness of chytridiomycosis as the agent in widespread frog declines. Conservation Biology, 19, 1421-1430.

  • McCallum, H., Gerber, L. & Jani, A. (2005). Does infectious disease influence the efficacy of marine protected areas? A theoretical framework. Journal of Applied Ecology, 42, 688-698.

  • McCallum, H. & Hocking, B.A. (2005). Reflecting on ethical and legal issues in wildlife disease. Bioethics, 19, 336-347.

  • Wormington, K.R., Lamb, D., McCallum, H. & Moloney, D.J. (2005). The status of hollow-bearing trees required for the conservation of arboreal marsupials in the dry sclerophyll forests of south-east Queensland, Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology, 11, 38.


  • McCallum, H. I., A. Kuris, C. D. Harvell, K. D. Lafferty, G. W. Smith, and J. Porter. (2004) Does terrestrial epidemiology apply to marine systems? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 19:585-591.

  • Retallick, R. W. R., H. McCallum, and R. Speare. (2004) Endemic infection of the amphibian chytrid fungus in a frog community post-decline. PLoS Biology 2:e351.

  • Harvell, D., R. Aronson, N. Baron, J. Connell, A. Dobson, S. Ellner, L. Gerber, K. Kim, A. Kuris, H. McCallum, K. Lafferty, B. McKay, J. Porter, M. Pascual, G. Smith, K. Sutherland, and J. Ward. (2004) The rising tide of ocean diseases: unsolved problems and research priorities. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2:375-382


  • McCallum, H., C. D. Harvell, and A. Dobson. (2003) Rates of spread of marine pathogens. Ecology Letters 6:1062-1067.

  • K.R. Wormington, D. Lamb, H. I. McCallum, D. J. Moloney (2003) The characteristics of six species of living hollow-bearing trees and their importance for arboreal marsupials in the dry sclerophyll forests of southeast Queensland, Australia Forest Ecology and Management 6221 1–18

  • McCallum, H. (2003) Pathogens in patches: effects of habitat fragmentation on the impact of disease J. Parasitology. 89 S114-118


  • McCallum, H., and A. Dobson. (2002) Disease, habitat fragmentation and conservation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - Series B: Biological Sciences 269:2041-2049.

  • Alexander, B., R. Lopes de Carvalho, M. H. Pereira, and H. McCallum. (2002) Role of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) in the epidemiology of urban visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. Emerging Infectious Diseases 8:1480-1485.

  • Wormington, K. R., D. Lamb, H. I. McCallum, and D. J. Maloney. (2002) Habitat requirements for the conservation of arboreal marsupials in dry sclerophyll forests of south-east Queensland, Australia. Forest Science 48:217-227.

  • McCallum, H., Barlow, N. D. & Hone, J. (2002) Modelling transmission: mass action and beyond. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17, 64-65.

  • Grutter, A. S., McCallum, H. & Lester, R. G. J. (2002) Optimising cleaning behaviour: minimising the costs and maximising ectoparasite removal. Marine Ecology – Progress Series 234, 257-264.


  • Pople, A. R., Lowry, J., Lundie-Jenkins, G., Clancy, T. F., McCallum, H. I., Sigg, D., Hoolihan, D. & Hamilton, S. (2001) Demography of bridled nailtail wallabies translocated to the edge of their former range from captive and wild stock. Biological Conservation 102, 285-299.

  • McCallum, H., Barlow, N. D. & Hone, J. (2001) How should transmission be modelled? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16, 295-300.


  • McCallum, H., Kikkawa, J. & Catterall, C. P. (2000) Density dependence in an island population of silvereyes. Ecology Letters 3, 95-100.

  • Gleeson, D. J., McCallum, H. I. & Owens, I. P. F. (2000) Differences in initial and acquired resistance to Ichthyophthirius multifiliis between populations of rainbowfish. Journal of Fish Biology 57, 466-475.


  • McCallum, H. (1999) How to count kangaroos. Australian Zoologist 31, 309-316.


  • Tucker, A. D., H. I. McCallum, C. J. Limpus, and K. R. McDonald. (1998). Sex-biased dispersal in a long-lived polygynous reptile (Crocodylus johnstoni). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 44:85-90.


  • Tucker, A. D., Limpus, C. J., McCallum, H. I. & McDonald, K. R. (1997) Movements and home range of Crocodylus johnstoni in the Lynd River, Queensland. Wildlife Research 34, 379-396.

  • Tucker, A. D., McCallum, H. I. & Limpus, C. J. (1997) Habitat use by Crocodylus johnstoni in the Lynd River, Queensland. Journal of Herpetology 31, 114-121.

  • McCallum, H. I. (1997) Rock wallaby biology and management: synthesis and directions for future research. Australian Mammalogy 19, 319-324.

  • Hocking, B. A., McCallum, H., Smith, A. & Butler, C. (1997) DNA, human rights and the criminal justice system. Australian Journal of Human Rights 3, 208-237.

  • Cowan, D. & McCallum, H. (1997) Discussion session: Is fertility control an option? Reproduction Fertility and Development 9, 61-64.


  • Tucker, A. D., Limpus, C. J., McCallum, H. I. & McDonald, K. R. (1996) Ontogenetic dietary partitioning by Crocodylus johnstoni during the dry season. Copeia, 978-988.

  • McCallum, H. I. (1996) Immunocontraception for wildlife population control. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11, 491-493.


  • McCallum, H. I. & Dobson, A. P. (1995) Detecting disease and parasite threats to endangered species and ecosystems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10, 190-194.

  • McCallum, H. I., Timmers, P. & Hoyle, S. (1995) Modelling the impact of predation on reintroductions of bridled nailtail wallabies. Wildlife Research 22, 163-171.

  • McCallum, H. I. (1995) Modelling wildlife-parasite interactions to help plan and interpret field studies. Wildlife Research 22, 21-29.

  • Hoyle, S. D., Horsup, A. B., Johnson, C. N., Crossman, D. G. & McCallum, H. I. (1995) Live trapping of the northern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii): population size estimates and effects on individuals. Wildlife Research 22, 741-755.


  • McCallum, H. I. (1994) Quantifying the impact of disease on threatened species. Pacific Conservation Biology 1, 107-117.


  • McCallum, H. I. (1993) Evaluation of a nematode (Capillaria hepatica Bancroft, 1893) as a control agent for populations of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus Schwartz and Schwartz, 1943). Revue Scientifique et Technique, Office International des Epizooties 12, 83-93.


  • Slade, R. W. & McCallum, H. I. (1992) Over-dominant vs Frequency-Dependent Selection at MHC Loci. Genetics 132, 861-862.

  • McCallum, H. I. (1992) Completing the circle: stock-recruitment relationships and Acanthaster. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43, 633-662.

  • McCallum, H. I. (1992) Effects of immigration on chaotic population dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 154, 277-284.


  • Moritz, C., McCallum, H., Donellan, S. & Roberts, J. D. (1991) Parasite loads in parthenogenetic and sexual lizards (Heteronotia binoei): support for the Red Queen hypothesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 244, 145-149.


  • Singleton, G. R. & McCallum, H. I. (1990) The potential of Capillaria hepatica to control mouse plagues; laboratory and ecological studies, and mathematical models. Parasitology Today 6, 190-193.

  • McCallum, H. I. (1990) Covariance in parasite burdens: the effect of predisposition to infection. Parasitology 100, 153-159.


  • McCallum, H. I., Endean, R. & Cameron, A. M. (1989) Sublethal damage to Acanthaster planci as an index of predation pressure. Marine Ecology - Progress Series 56, 29-36.

  • McCallum, H. I. & Singleton, G. R. (1989) Models to assess the potential of Capillaria hepatica to control population outbreaks of house mice. Parasitology 98, 425-437.


  • McCallum, H. I. (1988) Pulse fishing may be superior to selective fishing. Mathematical Biosciences 89:177-181.


  • McCallum, H. I. (1987) Predator regulation of Acanthaster planci. Journal of Theoretical Biology 127, 207-220.


  • McCallum, H. I. (1986) Acquired resistance of black mollies Poecilia latipinna to infection by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Parasitology 93.


  • McCallum, H. I. (1985) Population effects of parasite survival of host death: experimental studies of the interaction of Ichthyophthirius multifiliisand its fish host. Parasitology 90, 529-547.


  • McCallum, H. I. & Anderson, R. M. (1984) Systematic temporal changes in host susceptibility to infection: demographic mechanisms. Parasitology 89, 195-208.


  • McCallum, H. I. (1982) Infection dynamics of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Parasitology 85, 475-488.


Refereed conference papers

  • Grigg, G., Taylor, A., McCallum, H. & Fletcher, L. (2006). Monitoring the impact of cane toads (Bufo marinus) on Northern Territory frogs- a progress report. Science of cane toad invasion and control. Proceedings of the invasive animals CRC/CSIRO/QLD NRM&W cane toad workshop in June 2006 Brisbane (eds K. Molloy & W.R. Henderson), pp. 47-54. Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra.

  • McCallum, H. (2006) Modelling potential control strategies for cane toads. Science of cane toad invasion and control. Proceedings of the invasive animals CRC/CSIRO/QLD NRM&W cane toad workshop in June 2006 Brisbane (eds K. Molloy & W.R. Henderson), pp. 123-133. Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra.

  • Taylor A.J, Grigg G., Watson G., McCallum, H. (1996) Monitoring Frog Communities: An Application of Machine Learning. Proceedings, Eighth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, The AAAI Press, Portland, Oregon.

  • McCallum, H.I. (1989) Effects of predation on organisms with pelagic larval stages: models of metapopulations. Proceedings of the Sixth International Coral Reef Symposium 2 101-106.


Other publications

  • McCallum H. (2011). Mathematical Ecology of Populations and Ecosystems. Austral Ecology, 36, e17-e17.

  • Jones M.E. & McCallum H. (2011). The Devil's Cancer. Sci. Am., 304, 6: 72-77.

  • McCallum H. (2009). In Focus: Six degrees of Apodemus separation. J. Anim. Ecol., 78, 891-893

  • McCallum, H. (2007). Beyond SIR. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 22, 9-10.

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