Clare Morrison
BEnvSc (Wollongong), PhD (Griffith)
Lecturer, School of Environment and Science, Griffith University (Gold Coast)
Contact details
Address: School of Environment and Science, Griffith University Gold Coast, QLD4222, Australia
Email: c.morrison"at"griffith.edu.au
Ph: +61 7 5552 2769
Research Overview and Current Projects
My background is in conservation biology/ecology and my primary research interest areas are terrestrial ecology and biodiversity conservation – particularly involving fauna in Australasia and Pacific Island countries. I grew up in Fiji and have worked extensively in Fiji, the Solomon Islands and other countries in the region. Growing up and working in the Pacific has given me an appreciation of the balance between biodiversity conservation and the subsistence needs of local communities including sustainable development. As such, my work is often split into two fields - empirical/ theoretical and applied research. Recently I have been working with environmental lawyers examining the perceived and potential roles of environmental law in relation to biodiversity conservation and human-wildlife conflict.
More specifically I am interested in:
Conservation management of resources – particularly for local communities living in conservation hotspots in developing countries,
Ecological characteristics and habitat requirements of endangered species,
Management and protection of ecosystem services,
Long-term impacts of climate change on island biodiversity,
Diversity and distribution of terrestrial fauna,
Tourism as a conservation tool in developing regions,
Local capacity building in developing countries, and
The role of traditional ecological knowledge in biodiversity conservation
I am also a freelance academic editor. I have edited 150+ journal manuscripts, books, book chapters, and technical/industry reports in fields including marine and terrestrial ecology, conservation management, applied chemistry, alternative energy, climate change, GIS and spatial analysis, civil engineering, applied psychology, finance, knowledge management, e-technology, law, tourism and sustainable development. These were done on behalf of individual academics, government departments, NGOs and research organisations. I have also edited more than 50 postgraduate theses (PhD, Masters and Honours) in similar fields. Many of my clients have English as a second (or third) language and are based in several regions (e.g. the Pacific, Asia, China, South America).

In addition to editing, I develop and write research proposals for NGOs in the conservation and sustainable development fields. I manage several of these projects with my roles including overall management, development of best practices, local capacity improvement, and production of reports for donors, government, the general public and other stakeholders.
Previous postgraduate supervision topics
PhD. level
Avitourism in Australian Important Bird Areas: Relationships with avian conservation (Rochelle Steven, Griffith University, awarded 2014)
Frog species richness and diversity in the Solomon Islands (Patrick Pikacha, University of Queensland, awarded 2013)
M.Sc. Level (all students enrolled at University of the South Pacific)
Using biodiversity and culture to identify forest conservation priorities on Malaita Island, Solomon Islands (Edgar Pollard, awarded 2014)
Monitoring comparative spatial and temporal variation in land-birds in Savura Reserve, Fiji (Alivereti Naikatini, awarded 2009)
Microhabitat selection and phenology of the Fiji Tree Frog in Savura Forest Reserve (Tamara Osborne, awarded 2007)
Ecological relationships between cane toads and Fiji Ground frogs on Viwa Island, Tailevu, Fiji (Nunia Thomas, awarded 2007)
Distribution, conservation status and ethnobiology of Metroxylon vitiense (sago palm) in Fiji (Isaac Rounds, awarded 2007)
Diversity, distribution and abundance of Fiji’s freshwater fish (David Boseto, awarded 2006)
Ethnobiology of frogs and small mammals in the Solomon Islands (Patrick Pikacha, awarded 2006)
(i) Books
Pikacha, P., Morrison, C. & Richards, S. J. 2008. Frogs of the Solomon Islands. Institute of Applied Sciences, University of the South Pacific, Fiji, 76pp.
Morrison, C. 2003. A field guide to the herpetofauna of Fiji. Institute of Applied Sciences, University of the South Pacific, Fiji. 120pp.
(ii) Book chapters
Morrison, C. 2016. Ecotourism and ecosystem services in agricultural zones in the Pacific Region. In: Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity into Agricultural Production and Management to Minimize Dependency on Agrochemicals. Practical issues for consideration in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans in Pacific Island Countries (ed. F. Mancini, & D. Colozza). FAO, Rome, pp. 91-109.
Hero, J-M., Morrison, C., Chanson, J., Stuart, S. & Cox, N. A. 2012. Phylogenetic correlates of extinction risk in amphibians. In: Decline and Conservation of Amphibians (ed H. Heatwole). Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, Australia, pp 3539-3551.
Morrison, C. & Hero, J-M. 2012. Geographic correlates of extinction risk in amphibians. In: Decline and Conservation of Amphibians (ed H. Heatwole). Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, Australia, pp 3552-3566.
Hero, J-M. & Morrison, C. 2012. Ecological correlates of extinction risk in amphibians. In: Decline and Conservation of Amphibians (ed H. Heatwole). Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, Australia, pp 3567-3576.
Morrison, C., Hero, J-M. & Van Sluys, M. 2012. Integrated procedures: Where do we go from here? In: Decline and Conservation of Amphibians (ed H. Heatwole). Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, Australia, pp 3704-3708.
Morrison, C. & Buckley, R. 2010. Oceania. In: Conservation Tourism (ed R. Buckley). CABI Publishing, New York, pp 78-87.
(iii) Peer-reviewed articles
Humphries, F., Benzies, J. A. H. & Morrison, C. 2018. A systematic quantitative literature review of aquaculture genetic resource access and benefit sharing. Reviews in Aquaculture: doi; 10.1111/raq.12283.
Pikacha, P., Morrison, C., Filardi, C. & Leung, L. 2017. Factors affecting frog species richness in the Solomon Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology, 2017, 23: 387–398.
Naikatini, A., Thomas, N., Boseto, D., Copeland, L., Rounds, I., Pene, S., Tuiwawa, M., Morrison, C. & Winder, L. 2017. Survey of endemic, native and invasive vertebrates in the Sovi Basin, Fiji, 2003-2015. Pacific Science 71(3): 241–255.
Steven, R., Smart, J., Morrison, C. & Castley, J.G. 2017. Using a choice experiment and birder preferences to guide bird conservation funding. Conservation Biology 31(4): 818-827.
Morrison, C., Wardle, C. & Castley, J.G. 2016. Repeatability and reproducibility of Population Viability Analysis (PVA) and the implications for threatened species management. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Special Theme “Conservation Triage”. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2016.00098.
Steven, R., Morrison, C. & Castley, J.G. 2016. Exploring attitudes and understanding of global conservation practice among birders and avitourists for enhanced conservation of birds. Bird Conservation International. doi: 10.1017/S0959270916000174
Buckley, R.C., Morrison, C. & Castley, J.G. 2016. Net Effects of Ecotourism on Threatened Species Survival. PLOS One. 11(2): e0147988. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0147988.
Pikacha, P., Filardi, C., Morrison, C., & Leung, L. 2016. Factors affecting frog density in the Solomon Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology – Special Issue “Species conservation in the Pacific” DOI:10.1071/PC14927.
Pikacha, P., Filardi, C., Morrison, C. & Leung, L. 2015. Factors influencing frog density on the Solomon Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology – Special Issue “Species Conservation in the Pacific”.
Steven, R., Morrison, C., Arthur, J.M., & Castley, J.G. 2015. Avitourism and Australian Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas. PLOS One.
Pollard, E., Thaman, R., Brodie, G. & Morrison, C. 2015. Threatened biodiversity and traditional ecological knowledge: associated beliefs, customs and uses of herpetofauna among the ‘Are’Are on Malaita Island, Solomon Islands. Ethnobiology Letters 6(1): 99-110.
Pegas, F., Grignon, J. & Morrison, C. 2015. Interdependencies among traditional resource use practices, sustainable tourism and biodiversity conservation: A global assessment. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2015.1037939
Pollard, E., Brodie, G., Thaman, R. & Morrison, C. 2014. The use of herpetofauna and cultural values to identify priority conservation forests on Malaita, Solomon Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology 20(4): 354-362.
Keppel, G., Morrison, C., Meyer, J-Y. & Boehmer, H.J. 2014. Isolated and vulnerable: the history and future of Pacific Island terrestrial biodiversity. Pacific Conservation Biology 20(2): 136-145.
Steven, R., Morrison, C & Castley, J.G. 2014. Birdwatching and avitourism: a global review of research into its participant markets, distribution and impacts, highlighting future research priorities to inform sustainable avitourism management. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2014.924955
Osborne, T., Naikatini, A., Morrison, C. & Thomas, N. 2013. The distribution of the Fiji frogs Platymantis spp.: new records and ramifications. Pacific Conservation Biology 19: 175-183.
Morrison, C., Simpkins, C., Castley, J.G. & Buckley, R. 2012. Tourism and the conservation of critically endangered frogs. PLoS ONE 7(9): e43757. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043757
Keppel, G., Morrison, C., Hardcastle, J., Rounds, I.A., Hurahura, F. & Shed, P.K. 2012. Conservation in Pacific Island countries: case studies of successful programs. PARKS 18(1): 111-123.
Keppel, G., Morrison, C., Watling, D. Tuiwawa, M. & Rounds, I. 2012. Conservation in tropical Pacific Island countries: why most current approaches are failing. Conservation Letters 5: 256-265.
Morrison, C & Pickering, C.M. 2012. Perceptions of Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Limits to Adaption in the Australian Alps: The Ski-tourism Industry and Key Stakeholders. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2012.681789.
Morrison, C. & Pickering, C.M. 2012. Limits to climate change adaptation: Case study of the Australian Alps. Geographical Research. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-5871.2012.00758.x
Morrison, C. 2012. Impacts of tourism on threatened species in the South Pacific. Pacific Conservation Biology 14: 227-238.
Morrison, C., Rounds, I. & Watling, D.W. 2012. Conservation and management of the endangered Fiji sago palm, Metroxylon vitense, in Fiji. Environmental Management 49: 929-941.
Thomas, N., Morrison, C. Winder, L. & Morley, C. 2011. Spatial distributions and habitat preferences of co-occurring vertebrate species: case study of an endangered frog and an introduced toad in Fiji. Pacific Conservation Biology 17: 68-77.
Badets, M., Morrison, C. & Verneau, O. 2010. Alternative parasite development in transmission strategies: How time flies! Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 2151-2162.
Morrison, C., Keppel, G., Thomas, N., Rounds, I., & Harlow, P. S. 2009. Critically endangered Fijian crested iguana shows habitat preference for globally threatened tropical dry forest. Pacific Science 62(2): 223-232.
Osborne, T., Morrison, C. & Morley, C. G. 2008. Habitat selection and phenology of the Fiji Tree Frog, Platymantis vitiensis, implications for conservation. Journal of Herpetology 42(4): 699-707.
Morrison, C., Osborne, T., Harlow, P., Thomas, N., Biciloa, P. and Niukula, J. 2008. Diet and Habitat Preferences of the Fijian Crested Iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis) on Yadua Taba, Fiji: Implications for Conservation. Australia Journal of Zoology 55: 341-350.
Morrison, C. & Naikatini, A. 2008. Herpetofauna and bat monitoring at three Fiji sites in the Pacific-Asia Biodiversity Transect (PABITRA). Micronesica 40(1): 131-137.
Morrison, C., Pikacha, P., Boseto, D. & Pitakia, T. 2007. Herpetofauna, community education and logging on Choiseul Island, Solomon Islands: implications for conservation. Pacific Conservation Biology 13: 250-258.
Boseto, D., Morrison, C., Pikacha, P. & Pitakia, T. 2007. Freshwater fishes of Choiseul Island, Solomon Islands. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science 25: 16-21.
Hero, J-M., Morrison, C., Gillespie, G., Roberts, D., Newell, D., Meyer, E., McDonald, K., Lemckert, F., Mahony, M., Osborne, W., Hines, H., Richards, S., Hoskin, C., Clarke, J., Doak, N. and Shoo, L. 2006. Overview of the conservation status of Australian frogs. Pacific Conservation Biology 12: 313-320.
Morrison, C. 2005. Distribution and diversity of Fiji’s terrestrial herpetofauna: implications for forest conservation. Pacific Science 59(4): 481-490.
Morrison, C., Naikatini, A., Thomas, N., Rounds, I., Thaman, B. & Niukula, J. 2004. Importance of Waisali Reserve, Vanua Levu for herpetofauna conservation in Fiji. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science 22: 71-74.
Morrison, C., Naikatini, A., Thomas, N., Rounds, I., Thaman, B. & Niukula, J. 2004. Rediscovery of an endangered frog Platymantis vitianus, on mainland Fiji: implications for conservation and management. Pacific Conservation Biology 10: 237-240.
Hero, J-M. & Morrison, C. 2004. Frog declines in Australia: global implications. The Herpetological Journal 14: 175-186.
Morrison, C., Hero, J-M., & Browning, J. 2004. Altitudinal variation in longevity, age at maturity and reproductive life-span in anurans from subtropical Queensland. Herpetologica 60(1): 34-44.
Morrison, C. & Hero, J-M. 2003. Geographic variation in the life-history characteristics of amphibians: a review. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 270-279.
Morrison, C. & Hero, J-M. 2003. Altitudinal variation in growth and development rates of Litoria chloris and L. pearsoniana tadpoles in southeast Queensland. Journal of Herpetology 37(1): 59-64.
Morrison, C., Hero, J-M. & Smith, W.P. 2001 Mate selection in Litoria chloris and L. xanthomera: females prefer smaller males. Austral Ecology 26(3): 223-232.
Harvey, M.A., Morrison, C. & Hero, J-M. 1999. Litoria lesueuri (Stony Creek Frog) predation. Herpetological Review 30: 162-163.
(iv) Examples of industry monographs and/or technical reports
Humphries, F., Lawson, C. & Morrison, C. 2019. Report 27 - Comparative research report of ABS rules in host, focal, scaling and other countries: Report to the WorldFish Center. One of a series of 27 research reports prepared by the authors for WorldFish.
O’Brien, M., Thomas, N. and Morrison, C. 2015. Delivering sustainable forest management for Fiji’s people and wildlife. Annual Report prepared for the Darwin Initiative, UK.
Pickering, C., Guitart, D., Ballantyne, M. and Morrison, C. 2012. Climate change research and monitoring needs for the Australian Alps National Parks: results of survey of park staff and researchers. Gold Coast, Australia. Consultancy report for the Australian Alps Liaison Committee.
Morrison, C. and Pickering, C.M. 2011. Climate change adaptation in the Australian Alps: impacts, strategies, limits and management. Gold Coast, Australia: Final Report for the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), Australia.
Morrison, C. and Nawadra, S. (eds). 2010. A rapid biodiversity assessment of the Nakauvadra Highlands, Ra Province, Fiji. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment #57. Conservation International, Arlington, USA.
Morrison, C., Pikacha, P. and Thomas, N. 2008. Frog survey of Makira Highlands, Tetepare Island, and Kolombangara Island, Solomon Islands. Consultancy report for Conservation International, Suva.
Tuiwawa, M. and Morrison, C. (eds). 2007. Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity Survey of the Northern Lau Group, Fiji from September 14-October 2, 2007. IAS Technical Report, USP.
Morrison, C. 2006. Diet, habitat preferences and abundance of the Fijian Crested Iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis) on Yadua Taba, Fiji. Consultancy report for National Trust of Fiji, Suva.
Tuiwawa, M. and Morrison, C. (eds). 2006. Consolidated Biodiversity Report for the Wabu Forest Reserve. Consultancy report for Conservation International, Suva.
Morrison, C. (ed.). 2006. Third Baseline Flora and Fauna Survey and Establishment of Long-term Monitoring Plots in the Sovi Basin, Naitasiri, 20-31 March, 2006. IAS Technical Report, USP.
Morrison, C. 2005. Frog survey of Waisali Reserve, Vanua Levu: implications for proposed track system. Consultancy report for National Trust of Fiji, Suva.
Morrison, C. (ed.). 2004. Baseline Flora and Fauna Survey of the Wabu Forest Reserve, 16-22 November 2003. IAS Technical Report, USP.
Morrison, C. 2003. Forest Conservation in Fiji: Herpetological Provinces for Assessing Representation of Fiji’s Forest Reserve Network. Consultancy report for Wildlife Conservation Society, Suva.