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Chantal Lanctôt


BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD



ARC DECRA Research Fellow


Contact details

Address: Griffith University Gold Coast,

Building G51, Edmund Rice Dr, Southport, QLD 4215

Email: c.lanctot"at"

Phone: +61 7 5552 7813


Research Overview and Current Projects


Dr Chantal Lanctot is interested in understanding how stressors, such as environmental pollution, temperature changes and infectious diseases, negatively impact wildlife, with a particular emphasis on developmental and physiological effects in larval frogs. Her DECRA project entitled ‘Metal toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics in developing anurans: how metamorphosis influences metal burdens’ explores how the mobilisation and transference of metal burdens during metamorphosis influences
toxicity in amphibians. Ultimately, the project aims to improve our understanding of how complex life cycles influence the vulnerability of developing organisms to environmental stressors. 



Before starting her DECRA Chantal worked at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Monaco for 6 months, where she used nuclear tools to study the effects of microplastics and associated chemical contaminants on marine organisms. She completed her PhD at Central Queensland University (2013–2016) on the toxicity of coal mine wastewater to freshwater organisms, including fish, frogs and macroinvertebrates. Prior to moving to Australia, she received her Masters from the University of Ottawa in Canada (2010–2012), where she studied endocrine disrupting effects of glyphosate-based herbicides in Wood Frog tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus) as part of the Long-term Experimental Wetlands Area (LEWA) project.




amphibian, frog, ecotoxicology, developmental biology, metamorphosis, pollution, toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics, multiple stressors

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  • Tunstill, K., Grogan, L. F., Morrison, C., McCallum, H., Lanctôt, C. M. (accepted 11 Oct 2022) Effects of two firefighting chemical  formulations, Phos–Chek LC95W and BlazeTamer380, on striped marsh frog (Limodynastes peronii) tadpole survival, growth, development and behaviour. Aquatic Toxicology. (IF 4.964). 


  • Grogan L. F., Humphries J. E., Robert J., Lanctôt C. M., Nock C. J., Newell D. A., McCallum H. I. (2020) Immunological Aspects of Chytridiomycosis. Journal of Fungi. 2020; 6(4):234 (link) (IF 4.621). 


  • Sievers M., Hale R., Parris K.M., Melvin S.D., Lanctôt C.M., Swearer S.E. (2019) Contaminant-induced behavioural changes in amphibians: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment 693: 133570. (link)

  • Jacob H., Gilson A., Lanctôt C., Besson M., Metian M., Lecchini D. (2019) No effect of polystyrene microplastics on foraging activity and survival in a post-larvae coral-reef fish, Acanthurus triostegus. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 102(4): 457–461. (link)

  • Melvin S.D., Lanctôt C.M., Doriean N.J.C., Bennett W.W., Carroll A.R.  (2019) NMR-based lipidomics of fish from a metal(loid) contaminated wetland show differences consistent with effects on cellular membranes and energy storage. Science of the Total Environment 654: 284–291. (link)


  • Lanctôt C.M., Al-Sid-Cheikh M., Catarino A.I., Cresswell T., Danis B., Karapanagioti H.K., Mincer T., Oberhänsli F., Swarzenski P., Tolosa I., Metian M. (2018) Application of nuclear techniques to environmental plastics research. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 192: 368–375. (link)

  • Melvin S.D., Lanctôt C.M., Doriean N.J.C., Carroll A.R., Bennett W.W. (2018) Untargeted NMR-based metabolomics for field-scale monitoring: Temporal reproducibility and biomarker discovery in mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) from a metal(loid)-contaminated wetland, Environmental Pollution 243: 1096–1105. (link)


  • Lanctôt C.M., Cresswell T., Callaghan P.D., Melvin S.D., (2017) Bioaccumulation and biodistribution of selenium in metamorphosing tadpoles. Environmental Science & Technology 51: 5764–5773. (link)

  • Lanctôt C.M., Cresswell T., Melvin S.D. (2017) Uptake and tissue distributions of cadmium, selenium and zinc in striped marsh frog tadpoles exposed during early post-embryonic development. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144: 291–299. (link)

  • Lanctôt C.M., Melvin S.D., Cresswell T. (2017) Selenium speciation influences bioaccumulation in Limnodynastes peronii tadpoles. Aquatic Toxicology 187: 1–8. (link)


  • Lanctôt C., Wilson S.P., Fabbro L., Leusch F.D.L., Melvin S.D. (2016) Comparative sensitivity of aquatic invertebrate and vertebrate species to wastewater from an operational coal mine in Central Queensland, Australia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 129: 1–9. (link)

  • Melvin S.D., Lanctôt C., van de Merwe J.P., Leusch F.D.L. (2016) Altered bioenergetics and developmental effects in striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) tadpoles exposed to UV treated sewage. Aquatic Toxicology 175: 30–38. (link)

  • Lanctôt C., Bennett W., Wilson S.P., Fabbro L., Leusch F.D.L., Melvin S.D. (2016) Behaviour, development and metal accumulation in striped marsh frog tadpoles (Limnodynastes peronii) exposed to coal mine wastewater. Aquatic Toxicology 173: 218–227. (link)

  • Lanctôt C., Melvin S.D., Fabbro L., Leusch F.D.L., Wilson S.P. (2016) Effects of coal mine wastewater on locomotor and non-locomotor activities of empire gudgeons (Hypseleotris compressa). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 127: 37–42. (link)

  • Lanctôt C., Melvin S.D., Leusch F.D.L., Wilson S.P., Fabbro L. (2016) Locomotor and behavioural responses of empire gudgeons (Hypseleotris compressa) exposed to coal mine wastewater. Chemosphere 144: 1560–1566. (link)


  • Bulaeva E., Lanctôt C., Reynolds L., Trudeau V. L., Navarro-Martín L. (2015) Sodium perchlorate disrupts development and affects metamorphosis- and growth-related gene expression in tadpoles of the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 222: 33–43. (link)


  • Lanctôt C., Navarro-Martín L., Robertson C., Park B.J., Jackman P., Pauli B.D., Trudeau V.L. (2014) Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on survival, development, growth and sex ratios of wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. II: Agriculturally relevant exposures to Roundup WeatherMax® and Vision® under laboratory conditions. Aquatic Toxicology 154: 291–303. (link)

  • Navarro-Martín L., Lanctôt C., Jackman P., Park B.J., Doe K., Pauli B.D., Trudeau V.L. (2014) Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on survival, development, growth and sex ratios of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. I: Chronic laboratory exposures to VisionMax®. Aquatic Toxicology 154: 278–290. (link)

  • Melvin S.D., Cameron M.C., Lanctôt C.M. (2014) Individual and mixture toxicity of pharmaceuticals naproxen, carbamazepine, and sulfamethoxazole to Australian striped marsh frog tadpoles (Limnodynastes peronii). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 77(6): 337–45. (link)


  • Lanctôt C., Robertson C., Navarro-Martín L., Edge C., Melvin S.D., Houlahan J., Trudeau V.L. (2013) Effects of the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup WeatherMax® on metamorphosis of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) in natural wetlands. Aquatic Toxicology 140–141: 48–57. (link)

  • Melvin S.D., Lanctôt C.M., Craig P.M., Moon T.W., Peru K.M., Headley J.V., Trudeau V.L. (2013) Effects of naphthenic acid exposure on development and liver metabolic processes in anuran tadpoles. Environmental Pollution 177: 22–27. (link)


  • Navarro-Martín L., Lanctôt C., Edge, C., Houlahan J., Trudeau V.L. (2012) Expression profiles of metamorphosis-related genes during natural transformations in tadpoles of wild Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 1059–1071. (link)

  • Navarro-Martín L., Velasco-Santamaría Y.M., Duarte-Guterman P., Robertson C., Lanctôt C., Pauli B., Trudeau V.L. (2012) Sexing frogs by real-time PCR: Using aromatase (cyp19) as an early ovarian differentiation marker. Sexual Development 6: 303–315. (link)


Professional Memberships


  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)




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